New this year
Families may chose their preferred version for memory and class work.
2 tubs of baby wipes
2 roll paper towels
2 boxes
Drawstring bag with rest mat and blanket of tissues
Other TBA
Kindergarten – 1st
2 tubs of baby wipes
2 roll paper towels
2 boxes of tissues
Small art box
4 #2 yellow pencils
Top spiral stenographer notebook
1 pointed scissors
1 box of 24 Crayola crayons
1 box Ziploc Baggies with slides (quart)
5 glue sticks
2 pocket folder
2rd-4th Grade
2 tubs of Clorox wipes (or equivalent)
2 roll paper towels
2 boxes of tissues
#2 yellow pencils (12)
1 large eraser
1 box of 12 colored pencils
5 glue sticks
1 pointed scissors
1 wood ruler with inches and centimeters
1 box of crayons (no more than 24-32)
Wide ruled loose-leaf notebook paper
3 pack index cards
1 box Ziploc Baggies with slides (quart)
5th-6th Grade
1 large eraser#2 pencils (12 pack)
1 pencil sharpener with container
1 box colored pencils
1 box markers
2 black Sharpies
5 pocket/prong folders (various colors)
3 spiral notebooks (70 ct-wide ruled-colors)
3 glue sticks
1 large bottle Elmer’s Glue
1 pair pointed scissors
1 box crayons (24 ct or more)
2 pkgs loose-leaf wide ruled paper (100 ct)
1 box Ziploc baggies with slides (sandwich)
3 pkgs index cards (100 ct)
2 red ink pens
2 black ink pens
Ruler provided
7th-8th Grade
2 tubs of Clorox wipes (or equivalent
2 roll paper towels
2 boxes of tissues
Black Sharpie (for labeling)
1 box of colored pencils
1 box of markers
Blue ink pens
4-5 glue sticks
Graph paper
1 (1”) binder/ set of 5 tab dividers for math
1( ½”) binder/tab dividers 5 pack
1 durable (vinyl/plastic) pocket folder withfasteners per subject
Compass and protractor
6" ruler with inches and centimeters
Composition notebook (for Science)
3 packages wide-ruled loose leaf paper
Large pencil pouch
Bag for gym clothes
100 pack of 3x5" index cards
#2 pencils in a 12 or 24 count (no
mechanical pencils
Calculator (TI 30 basic calculator) 7-8 only
Combination lock
9th-12th Grades
#2 pencils
Calculator (TI 30 basic calculator)
Ruler (6 inch with centimeters is best)
Loose-leaf paper
2 composition notebooks
Spiral notebooks for each class
Folder for each class or expanding file
Pens, including red
Bible NIV - to keep at school
Colored pencils
3 packages 3x5 note cards
Flash drive
Set of headphones to leave at school
Pocket dictionary
1 (1”) binder/ set of 5 tab dividers for math
1 ( ½”) binder/tab dividers 5 pack