4156 Old S.R.261 Newburgh, Indiana 47630 812-842-0455
Newburgh Christian School
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Equipping all our students to achieve their full potential...
New this year
Families may chose their preferred version for memory and class work.
2 tubs of baby wipes
2 roll paper towels
2 boxes
 Drawstring bag with rest mat and blanket of tissues
Other TBA
Kindergarten – 1st  
2 tubs of baby wipes  
2 roll paper towels
2 boxes of tissues
Small art box
4  #2 yellow pencils
 Top spiral stenographer notebook
1 pointed scissors
1 box of 24 Crayola crayons
1 box Ziploc Baggies with slides (quart)
5 glue sticks
2 pocket folder
 2rd-4th Grade
 2 tubs of Clorox wipes (or equivalent)
2 roll paper towels
2 boxes of tissues
#2 yellow pencils (12)
1 large eraser
1 box of 12 colored pencils
5 glue sticks
1 pointed scissors
1 wood ruler with inches and centimeters
1 box of crayons (no more than 24-32)
Wide ruled loose-leaf notebook paper
3 pack index cards
1 box Ziploc Baggies with slides (quart)

5th-6th Grade
1 large eraser#2 pencils (12 pack)
1 pencil sharpener with container
1 box colored pencils
1 box markers
2 black Sharpies
5 pocket/prong folders (various colors)
3 spiral notebooks (70 ct-wide ruled-colors)
3 glue sticks
1 large bottle Elmer’s Glue
1 pair pointed scissors
1 box crayons (24 ct or more)
2 pkgs loose-leaf wide ruled paper (100 ct)
1 box Ziploc baggies with slides (sandwich)
3 pkgs index cards (100 ct)
2 red ink pens
2 black ink pens
Ruler provided
7th-8th Grade
2 tubs of Clorox wipes (or equivalent
2 roll paper towels
2 boxes of tissues
Black Sharpie (for labeling)
1 box of colored pencils
1 box of markers
Blue ink pens
4-5 glue sticks
Graph paper
1 (1”) binder/ set of 5 tab dividers for math     
1( ½”) binder/tab dividers 5 pack 
1 durable (vinyl/plastic) pocket folder withfasteners per subject 
Compass and protractor
6" ruler with inches and centimeters
Composition notebook (for Science)
3 packages wide-ruled loose leaf paper
 Large pencil pouch  
Bag for gym clothes
100 pack of 3x5" index cards
#2 pencils in a 12 or 24 count  (no
mechanical pencils
Calculator (TI 30 basic calculator) 7-8 only
Combination lock
9th-12th Grades
#2 pencils
Calculator (TI 30 basic calculator)
Ruler (6 inch with centimeters is best)
Loose-leaf paper
 2 composition notebooks
Spiral notebooks for each class
Folder for each class or expanding file
Pens, including red
Bible NIV - to keep at school
Colored pencils
 3 packages 3x5 note cards
Flash drive
Set of headphones to leave at school
Pocket dictionary
1 (1”) binder/ set of 5 tab dividers for math     
1 ( ½”) binder/tab dividers 5 pack
































Class Supply Lists