4156 Old S.R.261 Newburgh, Indiana 47630 812-842-0455
Newburgh Christian School
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Equipping all our students to achieve their full potential...
Newburgh Christian School uses the A Beka Kindergarten curriculum. Integrated into the day is lots of love, laughter, singing, and hands on action.
ReadingStudents will develop early word-analysis and comprehension skills with phonics instruction and the use of Basic Phonics Readers. Supplementary readers build upon a strong foundations and encourage reading for pleasure.
Phonics - Intensive PHONICS-FIRST approach to Reading. Any child can learn to read successfully with an intensive phonics-first approach that teaches children steps to reading.
ArithmeticConcept development and problem solving as well as computational skills • Prominent use of manipulatives incorporating hands-on instruction.  Students cover number concepts and formation through 100, simple addition/subtraction combinations, telling time, working with money, number sequences/word, and much more.
Writing - is presented in a step-by-step approach to good penmanship that emphasizes neatness and correct letter formation in daily practice. Phonics applications, built right into the writing exercises, improve phonics and spelling skills.
Bible -  students learn about God and His Son, Jesus through selected Old Testament and New Testament Stories. Holiday Stories teach the events surrounding the first Thanksgiving, the birth of Christ, and the resurrection. Students memorize Bible verses and passages throughout the year.